Confident Communication

How To Be Assertive Without Being Aggressive (Your Career Will Thank You For This)

By Lisa Ibby | May 8, 2024

Your voice deserves to be heard. But to get it heard, you need to get people to listen. Here’s how to be assertive without being aggressive (your career will love you).

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7 Different Leadership Styles – What’s Yours?

By Lisa Ibby | February 14, 2024

What’s your leadership style? Discover the 7 different leadership styles. And tailor your approach to lead your team with impact. It’s time to get ahead.

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How to Overcome the Fear of Not Being Good Enough

By Lisa Ibby | February 8, 2023

Ever walked into a room and thought “I shouldn’t be here”? This is for you. Here’s how to overcome your fear of not being good enough. To live your fullest life.

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How To Be More Assertive And Confident At Work

By Lisa Ibby | October 12, 2022

What do you do when you have an opinion but your lack of confidence is holding you back? This is how to be more assertive and confident at work. Step by step.

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How to Help Employees Who Are Resistant to Change

By Lisa Ibby | July 13, 2022

Every company has them. Yes, even yours… Those employees who have so much talent and so much potential. But there’s one big thing holding them back. They’re resistant to change. Perhaps they’ve been promoted and need to make the switch from colleague to boss. Maybe their team’s taking on a new strategy and they’ve got…

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Managing Quiet Employees? How to Help Your Team Be Heard At Work

By Lisa Ibby | June 8, 2022

What if you could get even more from your employees? Here’s how to help your team be heard, even if you’re managing quiet employees.

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What to Do When Employees Don’t Want to Return to the Office

By Lisa Ibby | April 13, 2022

What to Do When Employees Don’t Want to Return to the Office None of us could’ve predicted just how much the world would change over the last two years. And nobody anticipated what would happen to the world of work. It’s changed, dramatically. And try as you might, there’s no going back. Here’s how to…

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About the author

Lisa is a mother, a business owner, a founder, and an executive leader. She's been through it all and has come out the other side to thrive. Now she's helping you to do the same! Learn how you can find clarity and support through her services for individuals and organisations.


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