The Go-Getter

Your quiz results are here!

Your goal-chasing personality is...

The Go-Getter

Look at you go! You’re on a mission and I applaud you! You work hard and see results. You know which direction you’re heading in and how you’re going to get there.

People ask how you manage to do it all and the truth is… you’ve got no idea. You haven’t stopped for long enough to think about it! Sometimes you think that it’d be nice to have a break, so don’t forget to prioritise yourself too.

It’s okay to ask for help. Remember, it will still be you who achieves your goals. Even if you have some help along the way.

You excel at…

Clarity, focus and action
You’re clear on what your goals are. You feel very comfortable about what you want to achieve in life and have a focused plan in place to help you get there

Thinking outside the box
If you want something, you think creatively and find a way to make it happen. You believe in working hard for what you want (but this can sometimes mean you push yourself a little too hard)

Organising your life to chase your goals
You’re a very practical person and have broken your goals down into key milestones to achieve along the way. You love checking things off your list and won’t rest until you’ve met your goals for the day


You’ve got a plan and you’re bringing your goals to life

Your goal-chasing prescription...

There are days when you feel like everything is falling apart. From the outside, everything looks wonderful. But sometimes you feel like a swan, graceful to everyone else... but paddling frantically underwater…

Could this be because you push yourself too hard? Perhaps.

Looking after yourself

It’s okay to prioritise self care.

Whilst time out and relaxation might not feel like they’re moving you closer to your goals, when you look after yourself you’re able to work better and harder.

By taking care of yourself, and your mental wellbeing, you’ll be able to work more consistently. Your efforts will be far more sustainable, and you’ll be able to continue to chase your goals long into the future.

Which is exactly what we want.

Finding balance

  • Start looking for places where you can get some extra support to help ease your workload. Is there anything you can outsource? It could be as simple as getting help around the house (a cleaner = a magician, in my opinion!) or outsourcing some projects in your business
  • Schedule in self-care time. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Start small and schedule time away from work to read your book, go for a walk or just do something that’s 100% for you (and not related to your productivity)
  • Check-in with your priorities. Is everything you’re doing helping you achieve your goals, or are some things just there because they “should be”? Remove anything unnecessary from your to-do list

Remember, it’s not cheating to ask for help
It’s working smartly

Hello, I’m Lisa Ibby!

I'm a certified Business and Life Coach on a mission to empower you to work less, earn more and thrive both at work and at home.

I’m also a mother, business owner, founder, and an executive leader. But my life hasn't always been perfect...

In fact, I'm a firm believer that imperfection is what makes us human. I'm proud to be able to use my own work and life experiences to empower people just like you to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

I'm also a big coffee fan (flat white please), struggle to put down a good book and love building real and meaningful connections with my clients!

Some extra help along the way…

Don’t be afraid to say no to things that aren’t serving you

Tell me your quiz result!

Come and join me on Instagram and share your goal-chasing personality quiz result in your Instagram Stories. Remember to tag me @coachingwithlisaibby so I can see it!