Your Life Audit Checklist (& Why You Need To Check In Each Quarter)
Just like that… another quarter’s drawing to a close. We’re about to enter a brand new season. And those goals you set yourself at the beginning of the year? How are they doing?
If you’re reading that sentence and wincing a little, you’re not the only one. Too many of us see goal setting as a “one-and-done” process. We invest all our time and energy at the beginning. And then we get… stuck. Because we don’t really know what happens next.
Enter: your life audit checklist.
No, it’s not some big life overhaul. It’s far simpler than that. Your life audit checklist is a gentle review. When you see how you’re doing, assess where you’ve gotten to and ask yourself what needs to change if you want to keep those goals of yours on track.
It’s so much better than getting to the end of the year and wondering… “why didn’t I achieve anything?!”. Or even worse, realising you focused on totally the wrong thing.
Why are life audits important?
I can’t sing the praises of life audits enough. They’re the perfect container for you to step back and take a look at the bigger picture that is your life.
All too often, we’ll either plod or race through life. Without pausing, sitting back and seeing how far we’ve come.
It’s in those quieter moments that we’re able to identify what it is we want next. Without them, we keep moving with no clear direction.
Part of it comes from a fear of change. When you stop to take stock, what if you don’t like your life? What if it brings up some uncomfortable truths? What if you have to make some hard decisions?
These are all totally valid concerns. But I challenge you to flip those questions on their head. Because what if your life audit is the start of a brand new chapter? Where you fall back in love with your life? And things finally start to feel in alignment with who you truly are?
Life’s too short to miss out on all that.
So yes, things change! You might discover that things you used to want are no longer of interest. You may find that your circumstances have changed. Or, you might simply realise that you’re doing too much and want to slow down. Or, even the opposite may be true!
But there’s one thing for sure. There’s only one way to find out…
Introducing: the life audit checklist
When you check in with your progress each quarter, you can see what you’ve achieved whilst exploring what you want to pursue next.
This creates room to:
- Celebrate – as you explore what you’ve accomplished so far
- Plan – when you discover what you need to do next
- Remove – as you assess what you don’t want anymore, so you can stop fretting about the items that you haven’t done, because, really you don’t want to do them anymore – and that’s ok!
One of the best things about working through your life audit checklist each quarter is that you can break your year into bitesized chunks. Rather than chasing one giant goal that feels almost impossible, you’ve got stages to hit along the way.
You can set targets for each quarter. Then, assess how well they’re working in your mini life audit. It’s the best way to keep on track.
How to follow your life audit checklist
1. Make the time for it
You might be reading this thinking, yes Lisa that’s a given! But how often have you intended to do something, only to never make it a real priority? Yep, I thought so!
Start by blocking out some time in your diary where you’ll be totally undisturbed. This is your time and space to reflect. It might be quarterly, monthly or even weekly if that feels more appropriate to you.
What’s important is that you make it happen.
2. Treat it as a date with yourself
Your life audit doesn’t need to feel like a chore. It’s not another thing on your to-do list.
It’s the opportunity to truly get to know yourself. To ask questions, discover unexpected answers and feel a deeper connection. Just like you might do on a date.
So, make it a date with yourself. Add some extras to your space to make it feel extra welcoming. Order some delicious food or stock up on snacks. And open your mind to the possibilities.
3. Reflect on the last 3 months
Sit quietly somewhere you won’t be disturbed and assign an allotted amount of time to just be there.
Then, ask yourself questions and write down anything that comes to mind. Even though it may not make sense at first!
- How am I?
- How do I feel in this moment?
- What is my energy like?
- What’s going really well for me?
- What isn’t going so well?
- What do I feel grateful for?
- What thoughts keep niggling in the back of my mind?
- What would I like to change about something from either my life or work?
Once you’ve answered these questions and your time is complete, read through your answers with an inquisitive mind. What did you say? What took you by surprise? What do you want to do next?
Use your responses to formulate a plan for the next three months, with key targets to achieve along the way. And don’t forget to book another life audit with yourself!
Want some more insights? Get on a life audit intensive call.
Coach’s Corner: go beyond the life audit checklist with the full life audit process
Step 1: the wheel of life
Whenever I work with a new client, we start with the Wheel of Life exercise. This is where you can decide which areas of your life are important to you and assess how well you’re faring in each.
Following this process each quarter enables you to see any changes that have happened since the last time you did the exercise, alongside any priorities that might have shifted.
Step 2: your values
In step two, you’ll identify your values. By reflecting on your values each quarter, you’re able to check whether these are actually your core values, whilst also identifying any additional values that have come up.
Step 3: your plan
Finally, we’ll take all this information and craft goals to help you achieve your new, aligned focus. This follows my SMART method, with each client receiving specific coaching to break these goals down into manageable actions to achieve within the next quarter.
Want to try this for yourself? Unlock it, with your life audit course:
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About the author
Lisa is a mother, a business owner, a founder, and an executive leader. She's been through it all and has come out the other side to thrive. Now she's helping you to do the same! Learn how you can find clarity and support through her services for individuals and organisations.