When’s The Right Time To Bring In An External Facilitator?

Ever had a conversation with someone about an issue you’ve been struggling with for weeks, only for them to completely transform your viewpoint in mere seconds?

Through that conversation, something that seems totally out of reach and impossible suddenly becomes accessible and doable. Complex becomes simple. Boring becomes exciting. Stale old hats become fresh new ideas.

That’s the power of external input, which is the core ingredient of external facilitation.

Lisa at the Petroleum Authority Facilitated Leadership Retreat
Lisa at the Petroleum Authority Facilitated Leadership Retreat

What is an external facilitator?

An external facilitator is someone who is hired from outside an organisation to guide and support a team towards achieving specific goals or outcomes.

The reasons external facilitators are hired can vary wildly, from improving team performance to exploring how to align personal values with company values to improving motivation, facilitating action plans and project management. The external facilitator acts as a neutral third party with an unbiased perspective, offering structure and guidance without being involved in any internal politics within the organisation.

A common myth about external facilitation

External facilitation is certainly not about bringing in external viewpoints and prescribing them to your organisation. And it’s certainly not a blanket, one size fits all approach.

Instead, it’s about an external facilitator guiding a group or team to develop fresh perspectives, come up with new ideas and propose solutions whilst providing some structure to discussions. They help ensure that all voices are heard, rather than the same vocal members each week.

Why does this matter?

Simply because someone coming into your organisation for a day might sound great, but what happens when that day is over and they’ve gone home? You might have a week or so of extra motivation but that’ll soon wane. Things will revert back to how they were before.

However, if your team is empowered to find solutions themselves and learn new skills that last them well after the session is over, the next time they face a similar challenge they’re going to know what to do and how to do it. It’s quicker, easier and more efficient. And better than that, it’s sustainable.

Borneo Economic Community Facilitation

7 unexpected benefits of external facilitators

1. An external facilitator is 100% unbiased

When you’re guiding your team through a change that they’re not totally sold on, they’re bound to wonder what your motive is. There may be resistance, pushback and even complaints.

But when that leader is external to the organisation, they’re free from office politics. No personal agenda impacts their stance. Instead, they’re fully focused on what’s best for your wider organisation, not themselves.

2. There’s a tried and tested structure to follow

Your external facilitator will always tailor their work to your organisation. But you’ll never be starting from scratch.

Instead, your external facilitator brings a wealth of knowledge and experience solving similar problems and other organisations and weaves that into their work.

3. An external facilitator creates safe environment

Your external facilitator is able to break you free from the traditional meeting mould, where the same few people hold court whilst the rest of your team remain silent.

You’ll move beyond that, with a safe space that encourages every team member to bring their ideas to the floor.

4. There is no company hierarchy

An external facilitator will have little interest in job titles or company hierarchy. They’re more focused on working together towards the predetermined goals.

Your team is finally able to operate all on one level, without name tags or seniority levels standing in the way.

5. Fractured teams are brought together

If you’ve experienced any tension amongst your team, bringing them back together can be tricky. But an external facilitator is able to bring an outside perspective to calm conversations down whilst guiding your employees through the process in a more structured and productive manner.

6. Your team develops long term skills

As I mentioned earlier, external facilitation is about empowering your team to move forward independently, long after the session is over.

7. Your goals move back to the top of your to-do list

How long has “get the team together” been on your to-do list?

Booking an external facilitator gives you the external accountability to actually get it done, once and for all.

When’s the right time to bring in an external facilitator?

The easy answer here is, whenever suits you! But I have a quick two part checklist I like to run through:

  1. Do you have a clear outcome or goal you’re ready to achieve (we can work on refining this together)?
  2. Are 100% of your team members available to attend the day either in person or online?

What can you expect from working with an external facilitator?

I’ve seen my clients remove blockers and find new ways forwards towards their goals. I’ve seen the success of group settings when the right guidance is there. I’ve seen clarity in organisational direction, new action plans, renewed understanding of company values and visions for department heads. I’ve seen improved communication, team cohesiveness, more inclusion and better teamwork.

The best thing is – the possibilities are endless. External facilitation is tailored to your goals, so each outcome varies. That’s its power (because another organisation’s outcome may be of no use to you). It’s totally open.

Book a chat about external facilitation for your organisation

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About the author

Lisa is a mother, a business owner, a founder, and an executive leader. She's been through it all and has come out the other side to thrive. Now she's helping you to do the same! Learn how you can find clarity and support through her services for individuals and organisations.
