The Real Reason You’re Not Being Productive In Your Business

We’ve all been there. That all too familiar moment that comes when your to do list is growing longer and longer, your unread emails are going up not down, and you just can’t seem to get anything done. Cue that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as overwhelm hits and you just don’t know what to do. Well, you’re not alone.

The real reason that you’re not being productive in your business? Fear.

It’s fear that’s standing in the way of you and building a life you love. It’s fear that’s telling you to just start again on Monday, and then holding you back from doing so. It’s fear that’s blocking you from being the calm confident person you so want to be.

Ask yourself, what is it that you’re scared of? Do you worry that your dreams are too big? Or that the competition will always be better? Or perhaps you’re actually scared that you’re chasing the wrong dream.

Fear is often a symptom of lack of clarity. It can be a sign that you’re not 100% clear on what it is that you actually want to achieve. Instead, you can feel like a rabbit in the headlights. Frozen and paralysed by fear. There are just too many options and you don’t know where to turn. Instead, you stay where you are, stuck and hoping for the best.

Well, it’s time to become unstuck.

Photo Credit: Slava Keyzman on Unsplash

Finding Clarity

If you’re not clear on what your goals are and why you want them, how are you ever meant to achieve them? This is exactly why clarity is so important. When you find clarity, you become clear on what it is you want and why it’s important to you. In short, you are understanding the motivation behind your work.

Several years ago I too felt lost and overwhelmed. I was working all hours and giving everything to my business, yet I wasn’t moving forward. I didn’t know what I wanted, and so, instead, I just stayed still. It was only when I found my purpose that everything changed.

If that’s you right now, try asking yourself these three questions. Set aside some quiet time, pencil and paper in hand, and focus on them fully. What answers come up for you?

  1. What motivates me on a daily basis?
  2. Is my work filling me up with joy? If not, what can I change?
  3. Who am I doing all this for?

Use the answers to these questions to craft yourself a mission statement. This doesn’t need to be anything formal, it’s not for public consumption. This is just for you. It’s your own personal statement to inspire you every single day.

You can use this statement to determine your goals, to decipher the challenges that will stand in your way, and to ground yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Print it out and pin it above your desk where you’ll see it each morning. This is just for you.

Using Your Purpose To Set Your Goals

It’s time to stop doing what you feel you ‘should’ be doing and start doing what you’re called to do. That mission statement you just crafted? That sums up your purpose and it’s there to guide you as you determine your goals.

By using your purpose to set your goals, you’re going to find those goals are a lot easier to achieve. Of course, there’s going to be hard work and there’ll be challenges along the way but you’ll be moving towards a goal that’s calling to you, instead of pushing back in protest.

Photo Credit: Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Consider how you can help your business achieve that mission. How can you break that journey down into clear actionable steps? Ask yourself which of these steps are essential, and which are just ‘nice to haves’? Imagine you’re setting off in your car on a journey to drive your business to that end destination. Which towns must you pass through to get there, and which will just distract you? Try to focus on doing less and doing it well, this will help you keep your focus along the way.

When Fear Strikes Again

Fear will come and visit again, but this time you’ll be ready. There will be times when you might feel a little overwhelmed or periods when several unproductive days join together into a tricky week. This is okay – you’re prepared for it. Refer back to your mission statement and remind yourself why you’re doing all this. Let your purpose guide you through.

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About the author

Lisa is a mother, a business owner, a founder, and an executive leader. She's been through it all and has come out the other side to thrive. Now she's helping you to do the same! Learn how you can find clarity and support through her services for individuals and organisations.
