Do you know what’s holding you back from being where you’re meant to be?
Take the 2-minute free quiz

Start living a life you actually want, (even if you don't know where to begin)
Take the quiz to get your unique path to clarity, focus, and action. Today’s the day you discover your goal-chasing personality.
Maybe you’re dreaming of…
...starting your own business. So you can have a career that’s totally your own.
...spending more time with your family. Because you’re tired of saying “I can’t right now, I’m working”.
...knowing what on earth you want to do with your life. If you don’t know what your dreams are, we’re going to find them together.
Discover your personalised path to clarity, focus, and action in just 2 minutes.
So you can find out where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.
Answer 10 fun questions and uncover…
- your unique goal chasing personality
- your top strengths
- your goal chasing prescription
- the next steps to keep you moving towards those dreams
Because you’ve waited long enough. It’s time to stop wishing and start moving.
This is your cue to spend 2-minutes of your day doing something just for you. Goodness knows you deserve it.

With specific guidance and questions, you will get clarity on your goal chasing personality and what that actually means for YOU.
The outcome will give you insight and focus into what you excel in and how you can hone in on those strengths to move towards your goals.
You will get bite-sized steps, or "Your goal-chasing prescription" as I like to call it. Taking the first step can be scary, but with these easy steps, you can start achieving right now!

Hi, I'm Lisa!
I'm a certified Business and Life Coach on a mission to empower you to work less, earn more and thrive both at work and at home.
I’m also a mother, business owner, founder, and an executive leader. But my life hasn't always been perfect...
In fact, I'm a firm believer that imperfection is what makes us human. I'm proud to be able to use my own work and life experiences to empower people just like you to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
I'm also a big coffee fan (flat white please), struggle to put down a good book, and love building real and meaningful connections with my clients!